Political Science

Program Outcomes

PO1. To put in place structure and contents to make it anintegrated and interdisciplinary program with flexibility and choice.

PO2.To reflect a general understanding of the concepts andprinciples of selected areas of the study thus providing students anopportunity to decide the specialization fields for making professionalchoices.

PO3.To augment the ability to describe and compare the roles,impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements andcontemporary situations.

PO4.Acquire analytical skills and develop a criticalunderstanding of social, political economic and cultural processes, to presentmaterials and ideas effectively on order to connect between the local, regionaland global.

PO5.To integrate the treatment of topics by interlinkingknowledge, skills, values and attitudes to action.

PO6.To provide an arena for reflective thinking and concernfor the common good and application of social values.

PO7.Produce graduates with a foundation in professionalethics who will actively seek to positively impact their profession, community,and society.


PSO1: The Bachelor of Arts inPolitical Science prepares graduate to understand fundamental concepts in the disciplineof Political Science.

PSO2: Understanding of how politicalinstitutions, processes, laws, and ideas combine to influence policy andpolitical outcomes.

PSO3: Understand and explain politicaltheories and political systems in different parts of world.

PSO4: Understand the political systemof India including the structure and relationship between different branches ofgovernment.

PSO5: Understand National andInternational political matters.

PSO6: Graduates can have manyopportunities for careers in Psephology, Political Content Writer, Academician,Public Administrator, PR Executive Public relations.



PO-C1 :Political Theory


 Students got ability introducesPolitical Theory as a distinctive area of inquiry that is

integral to the study ofpolitics.

 Students got ability tohighlights contemporary normative debates and place them in a

historical perspective.

 Students enable to projects theglobal and interdisciplinary orientation of Political

Theory. It also emphasizes theinterplay of theory and practice in the political process.


PO-C2 : PublicAdministration


 Student enable to understandimportant concepts, approaches and theories of public


 Student enables to equipstudents with understanding of the latest developments in the

field of Public Administration.

 Student enables to understandand analyze broad transformations in the study of public

administration in the course ofchanges in socio-economic and political life.


PO-C3 :Political Institutions in India


 Students enable to introducethe leading institutions of the Indian political system and to

the changing nature of theseinstitutions. Apart from explaining the structure and

functions of the maininstitutions.

 Student enable to understandingthe institutional balance of power as discussed in the

Indian constitution and asdeveloped during the functioning of Indian democracy over the

past decades.


PO-O1 :Political Ideologies


 Student enables to understandthe difference between ideology and thought as well as

between theory and ideology.

 Students enable to understandthe relationship between ideas and politics.

 Student enables to understandthe core doctrines of each of the ideologies and to make

sense of politics throughdifferent ideological perspectives.


PO-C4 : Publicpolicy


 Student enables to understandbasic concepts, theories and process of public policy.

 Student enables to understandpolicy processes and actors involved in it by studying

specific policies.

 Student enables to understandand analyze policy making in practical context.


PO-C5 : Issuesin World Politics


 Students enable to apply thetheories and used to illustrate how each level of analysis the

international system, the state,and the individual- to help in organizing and

conceptualizing the issues.

 Student enables to understandthe major issues of the twenty first century- security,

economics and transnationalissues are presented and analyzed.


PO-C6 :Comparative Politics


The purpose of this course is toacquaint the students with the sub-discipline of

Comparative Politics with thefollowing outcomes.

 Students enable to understandthe trajectory of the sub-discipline.

 Student enable to understandthe significance of the comparative methodology

 Student enables to understandthe dynamics of domestic politics across the countries.


PO-O5 : Constitutionin India


 Student enables to study onestate in an in-depth manner to understand how the political

process evolves at the statelevel.

 Student enables to doassignments based on field studies. The study is to be done from

socio-historical as well aspolitical economy perspectives.


PO-C7: PoliticalThinking in Modern India


 Student knows the key ideas ofpolitical thinking in modern India as it shaped in the

colonial context.

 Student enable to understandand decipher the diverse and often contesting ways in which

ideas of nationalism, democracyand social transformation were discussed by leading

Indian thinkers.




PO-C8: PoliticalSociology


 Student enables to introducethe overall scope of the sub-discipline of political sociology.

 Student enables to know powerof political Sociology.

 Students enable to understanddifferent forms of justifications of power and the role of

ideology in this regard.

 They studied as a repository ofpower in society while class and patriarchy are two

instances of how the nature ofpower is shaped by social factors.


PO - C9: Theoryof International Relations


 Students enable to introducesthe evolution and important of various theories.

 Students know a brief historyof international politics.

 They understanding what arehappening in the world and the levels of analysis.

Competing theories are presented.


PO-O10: IndianAdministration

 Student knows the keydimensions of Indian Administration functioning at different


 Students understand and analyzethe administrative reforms introduced recently to make

administration people-centric andto what extent that goal has been realized.


PO-C10:Traditions of Political Thought


 Student enables to know majortraditions of thought that have shaped political discourse

in different parts of the worldover the last three millennia.

 Student stresses the greatdiversity of social contexts and philosophical visions that have

informed the ideas of keypolitical thinkers across epochs.

 The chief outcome is Studentproject the history of political thought as a series of critical,

interconnected and open-endedconversations about the ends and means of the good life.


PO-C11:Political Process in India


 Student knows how to introducethe key issues and details of the political process in post

independence India.

 Students enable to understandand analyze Indian politics.

 student understand the expansive meaning of political process as it shapes in the arena of

electoral and party politics, in the form of mass mobilizations and as politics of interests.


PO-O14: Party System in India


 Student understands the nature of party system in India.

 Student understands the functioning of main political parties operating in the system.

 Student focused on analytical perspectives on party politics in India.